Two years ago a 75-year-old woman from Karlstad became the envy of internet users worldwide. She has been thrust into the IT history books - with the world's fastest internet connection. Sigbritt Löthberg's home has been supplied with a blistering 40 Gigabits per second connection, many thousands of times faster than the average residential link and the first time ever that a home user has experienced such a high speed.
But Sigbritt, who had never had a computer until now, is no ordinary 75 year old. She is the mother of Swedish internet legend Peter Löthberg who, along with Karlstad Stadsnät, the local council's network arm, has arranged the connection. Sigbritt will now be able to enjoy 1,500 high definition HDTV channels simultaneously. Or, if there is nothing worth watching there, she will be able to download a full high definition DVD in just two seconds. Too bad she only uses the internet for reading web-based newspapers. The secret behind Sigbritt's ultra-fast connection is a new modulation technique which allows data to be transferred directly between two routers up to 2,000 kilometres apart, with no intermediary transponders.
I got this idea from facebook and someone else’s blog. It’s quite interesting, writing down things your friends or family may not know about me. Here we go.
1. I have a white hair on my left foot.
2. I’ve got green stripe belt in Taekwondo.
3. I believe love really is blind sometimes and can't be explained.
4. I've been cheated.
5. I’ve broke my wrist once.
6. I have migraine since I was in junior high.
7. I'm not an easily offended person. You have to really push it to set me off.
8. Never live with my parents since I was 4 years old.
9. I love cooking.
10. I heart when a man kisses my forehead.
11. I’ve dated with my dad’s friend’s son.
12. I got more than 20 teddy bears for my 17th birthday gifts.
13. I'm a perfectionist, but I'm also somewhat lazy.
14. I played guitar & drums when I was in high school.
15. I was a tomboy till 11th grade.
16. I was called angel when I was in high school.
17. I used to play tennis.
18. I have 2 moles on the back of my neck.
19. I’ve never been scolded by my parents.
20. When I was a kid I wanted to be an astronaut.
21. I never liked physics but I got the highest score in high school.
22. My favorite color used to be blue.
23. I've had a puppy named Chloee, but only for a week.
24. I snooze the alarm at least twice before I get up every morning.
25. I love my white converse shoes.
26. I forget what I dreamt of, if I don't try recalling it in the first five minutes of my waking up
27. I’m allergic of dust.
28. My favorite ice cream flavors are vanilla and rum raisin.
29. I’m good at math.
30. I can spend hours in Hypermarket.
31. I don't know what I would do without my Vaseline (I'm obsessed).
32. I act like a child sometimes (in terms of playing and stuff)
33. I look more like my father.
34. I love my cell phone (it's old and ordinary, but it's mine).
35. I often wonder what my children would look like.
36. I’ve seen a ghost once (Kuntilanak).
37. I used to love boy bands.
38. I love being surprised (in a good way).
39. I love going to the movie theater.
40. I never took any English courses.
41. I love Green Tea Frappucino from Starbucks.
42. I used to dislike beer.
43. I like vanilla scented things.
44. I can listen to the same song on repeat for days.
45. I always have a song stuck in my head.
46. I love accessories.
47. I don’t like to drink when upset or stress.
48. I’m obsessed to sunglasses since I was so young.
49. I’ve always been in Top 10 at school (mostly Top 5).
50. I like playing Counter Strike.
51. I cry when I watch sad or touching movies
52. I DO drink alcohol.
53. I have a pinch of Chinese & Arabian blood.
54. I love to travel alone.
55. I used to go for hiking.
56. Beach is my favorite place.
57. I’ve punched my classmates.
58. My nose bleeds when I’m having terrible migraine.
59. I've edited this published post and added 10 more things.
60. There are more things you may not know about me. Catch you later.