Monday 12 April 2010

Cysts, Myomas & Endometriosis

Severe pain every time your period? Be careful, it could be a symptom of endometriosis. But it could be symptoms of cysts or uterine myomas as well. What the hell is the difference?
Endometriosis is a condition where the endometrium is outside its proper place, namely in the uterine cavity. "The endometrium itself is a layer that lines the uterine cavity and removed the cyclic when menses as menstrual blood," said dr. Sugi Suhandi Iskandar, Sp.OG from RS Mitra Keluarga Kelapa Gading, Jakarta.
While ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled mass, can be thick like a gel (mucus), could also be liquid (serous). "They are produced by glands in the ovary, which can not be excluded. Eventually recovered, and increasingly large," added Sugi.

Another with uterine myomas. "Uterine myomas are benign tumors of the myometrium (uterine muscle). Based on its location, uterine myomas can be divided into 3, namely intramural myomas (in the muscles of the uterus), subserosa (under the serous layer, protruding into the abdominal cavity),as well as submucosal (protruding into the cavity of the uterus). "

Stimulation ESTROGEN
The cause of the above three disorders is still not clearly known and is still studied."Now, all disease is directed to genetic factors as causes. Breast cancer, for example, genes already known to him. If the mother is breast cancer, her son should get ready. But myomas, cysts, and endometriosis is not yet,"Sugi light.
Some experts argue, uterine myomas occurs because of estrogen stimulation on cells in the uterine muscle. "So, uterine myomas is due to the influence of estrogen. Hence, it is rarely found in children age of puberty, almost never. Children of this age, right, there is no estrogen stimulation. While in menopausal women, myomas usually smaller, because estrogen has been reduced. "
The cause cysts and endometriosis was not known exactly, "Not yet discovered, for example whether the cyst is caused by a clogged gland enlarges," said Sugi.While one suspected cause of endometriosis is the presence of endometriosis cells vomit out the uterine cavity during menstruation. "Well, edometriosis cells are then attached to the outside of the uterine cavity. There is also a mention endometriosis follow the flow of blood or join the flow of lymph glands, so that it could happen endometriosis in the lungs, eyes, and so on. There is more to say endometriosis is caused by pollution environment and unhealthy lifestyle. So, still not sure why. "
Definitive diagnosis of endometriosis is usually obtained through laparoscopic examination. "Endometriosis can currently be severe, depending on the number, location, and symptoms. If severe abdominal pain can arise, even to cause infertility (sterility)."
Medicine: PREGNANT
Third this disorder can certainly be devastating, depending on location, size, and symptoms caused. For example myomas. "If it does not cause symptoms, although large in size, yes, baseball no impact. Endometriosis, though a little, but if it causes severe pain each time period, would be disruptive. Cysts larger than 4 cm, for example, tend to be twisted. If twisted, he be deprived of oxygen and food, causing severe pain. It had to have surgery, "said Sugi.
To overcome this, efforts are now more into prevention. "Healthy living, diet and lifestyle is good, do the medical check-ups at least once a year to the mothers or women who have had sex. With regular inspection, early symptoms can be detected earlier," Sugi said.
When doing a pap smear, should all be done ultrasonography (USG) to view the uterus and ovaries. "If there are no facilities ultrasound, can be done in the examination. Seen her womb how, what the normal amount of baseball, what shape is consistent baseball, right and left ovaries how, and so on. If there are palpable mass, should be careful."
Treatment of endometriosis itself can with oral medications, injections, or surgery. "If endometriosis is mild, so pregnancy, endometriosis usually even better, because of endometriosis, right, removed during menstruation. As long as no menstruation, it usually die / to sleep," Sugi said as he continued, "So, actually the medicine is pregnant."
Therefore, the treatment of endometriosis is usually with the treatment of pseudo-pregnancy or pseudo-menopause. "Created as menopause or pregnancy, so that endometriosis is not growing."
Beware ovarian cancer!
Be careful, in addition to cysts, some cyst-like disorder, namely ovarian cancer."Beware if there is mass in the stomach is shaped like a cyst, and the ultrasound looks berpupil-pupil, the pattern of blood vessels scattered irregularly. Usually checked with a tumor marker. If the results are high, it's not normal cysts. The possibility of large cysts of endometriosis or malignancy ( cancer), "Sugi said.
Ovarian cancer is a silent kiler. "Secretly, without symptoms, but deadly. In contrast to cervical cancer who have symptoms such as bleeding, ovarian cancer is not. No symptoms of anything, we knew already spread to and fro. It is difficult to treat. Therefore, prevention is dininya conduct regular checks. "
WHEN raised?
One of the myomas and cysts therapy is by appointment (surgery).When did myomas should be removed?1. If it was bigger than the size of the age of 12 weeks gestation.2. When you disturb the general circumstances, such as bleeding a lot to need transfusions.3. When magnifying fast. For example, 3 months ago is still 2 cm,now it's been 6 Cm.
When should  the cyst be removed?
* If the amount is more than 4 cm, because the above 4 cm, the risk for a big twist.Large cysts in the upper 4 cm rather than follicular cysts. Follicular cysts are cysts that rupture each before the fertile period. "If the above 4 cm, usually functional cysts. At the time of menstruation, usually no follicles. As soon as the time of menstruation there is a mass, it means cysts fungsional.Untuk assured, performed an ultrasound during menstruation," said Sugi.
HOT Pain during menstruation
How, really, to recognize the symptoms of endometriosis, cysts, or myomas? Here are some symptoms that are similar and should be aware of:1. Menstrual pain is severe and persistent.2. Enlargement in the abdomen. Sometimes, if still small, not palpable. But, the greater, will increasingly be felt as a lump.3. Appears emphasis symptoms due to enlargement cysts / uterine. For example, pressing the bladder forwards, backwards to the rectum. Consequently, an interruption occurs defecation and urination.4. In uterine myomas, if a large size, can suppress the surrounding organs.5. If the cyst-stemmed, abdominal pain can arise suddenly, even vomiting due to a twisted stalk cyst.6. It could also make the surface area of the endometrium becomes thicker, making it even higher menstruation. "This is because the uterine contractions diminished or disrupted, so that bleeding during menses more," said Sugi.
Source : Tabloid Nova


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